Focus. It’s all about focus.
Think about the best businesses you know. What do they all have in common?
To me they all have their sights set on solving one specific problem, every day. There’s no wavering, no tinkering with new toys or chasing shiny objects. No “next best thing” out there. Nope, it’s relentless pursuit of an ideal solution to their customers’ problems.
At PodcastMotor I feel that we’ve pretty solidly solved the problem of helping entrepreneurs and businesses consistently produce high quality podcasts.
This has come as a result of working with some of the best podcasters out there on their shows. Folks like Steli and Hiten from The Startup Chat, Darren Rowse from ProBlogger, and our friends at Convertkit. Learning from working with the best of the best is a great way to hone your craft.
Broadening Our Portfolio of Solutions
Another things these uber successful businesses do is Surround the Problem beautifully. To this requires an element of intrapreneurship to gradually reinvent the business, and create new business silos.
Earlier this year we launched two software products for podcasters.
The first was ProCaster, a WordPress theme that allowed podcasters to create beautiful looking websites for their shows, without any additional plugins or third party dependencies.
The second was the PodcastMotor Player, a WordPress plugin that created a beautiful looking podcast player that works on any site, and offers some really neat marketing and email capture functionality.
Both have been really well received by our customers, and we’re excited to be able to help podcasters everywhere create beautiful websites quickly and easily.
Today I’m very excited to announce that we’re adding to our portfolio of WordPress solutions with the acquisition of the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin. Seriously Simple Podcasting, founded by a now good friend Hugh Lashbrooke, is the #1 podcast related tool in WordPress.
Currently the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin (SSP for short), and it’s 4 add-on modules are all 100% free on the WordPress.org repo, and we absolutely expect to continue that going forward.
The big question now though, is how can we “kick things up a notch” to quote the famous New Orleans chef, Emeril Lagasse? SSP has been solving the problem of enabling WordPress users to create and manage their show from within WP itself, and done so very elegantly. But are there things that WP users are looking for still? Problems to be solved? Jobs to be done?
Here is an open call for any of that input. I’m looking for ways to create more beautiful solutions for podcasters everywhere.
I have a few ideas that I’m really excited about, but want to hear from you.
The last 2 years at PodcastMotor have been so fulfilling for me personally because we’ve found a few great ways to help podcasters more easily create great sounding episodes for their audiences. Today with the addition of the Seriously Simple Podcasting suite of products to our portfolio this ability is just further enhanced. Certainly an exciting time to be in podcasting, and a very exciting time for us all at PodcastMotor.
It is also very exciting for me personally to be joining the WordPress community. I have been looking for a way to get involved in the WP space for a while now, and this is definitely that great opportunity. I can think of no better open source community, and I hope that we can be solid contributors to all that the WordPress community has build thus far.
I look forward to keeping everyone up to date on our integration of the Seriously Simple Podcasting brand with our PodcastMotor offerings, to hopefully create a complete set of solutions for podcasters.
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