1 min read
Learning to Code

Just a quick note, as much for accountability sake as anything. I’ve been looking hard at the market to acquire software products lately, and have had a couple of near misses, but there have been several things holding me back.
Just to name a few, some of the drawbacks I see with purchasing a web app are:
- Bad Code
- Poor Product/Market Fit
- Legacy Tech that needs updating
- Bad market selection
- Just not exactly what I’m looking for
So today (Sept 12, 2016) I’m embarking on becoming a web app developer. I’ve done a lot of researching in the past week for a platform to focus my training upon, and have settled on Python and Django as a Framework.
It really came down to Rails, Laravel or Django and I did a bunch of research and talking to trusted advisors to make the decision. All had their upsides for sure, but I chose Python and Django because it’s so explicit and there is just ‘one way to write the code’. This fits best with my style of learning and making things as black and white as possible. Thanks to my friend Adrian Rosebrock from PyImageSearch for help in making the decision and some learning resources. As for learning I’m leaning heavily on the guys over at RealPython.com and the team at Coding For Entrepreneurs as I’ve found it’s the most concise, get things out the door approach that I’ve found.
So I won’t turn this into a tech/dev blog at this point, but am going to keep everyone aprised as to what’s going on with my development work. I’ve got 2 solid ideas on apps to build out, and will talk through the validation of those as we go along. After all, that’s what makes or breaks a business. Far too many people have built out apps only to have noone listen. I don’t plan on doing that.
Until next time…
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