1 min read

Podcasting about Podcasting

Today is an exciting day for me.  Today I’m recording my first episode of a new podcast I’m launching soon.  The show is going to be called Podcastonomics, and it’s going to be all about the economics and business of podcasting.

There are 6 shows lined up already with many more to come.  It will be a twice a week show, with an interview airing every Monday and commentary by me (and occasionally a featured guest) to come out every Thursday.

I can’t tell you how excited I am about this.  It’s going to be really great to get to talk to such talented podcasters as I have set up to come on the show each week.  And we’ll get to dig into all of the topics that you podcasters all have in the back of your heads:

  • Is anyone really listening?
  • How can I make a business out of my podcast?
  • What about Sponsors?
  • How does podcasting compare to blogging from 5 years ago?
  • What does the future hold for Podcastsers?

We’re going to tackle all of these business questions and many more.

So the question is, what burning questions have you been wanting to ask some of the biggest and best podcasters out there about how podcasting can fit into your business?  Leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to ask your question to the next guest.

Until next time, keep on listening and keep on creating!

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