How to Start a Side Project that will actually Help Your Business
It’s no surprise to anyone who’s been reading this blog or listening to my podcasts lately that I’
What I Learned from The Tour Guides Outside of the Vatican about Serving Your Audience
The kids are on fall break this week and we decided to take a trip to Rome for part of
Don't Be Scared, Do The Hard Things First
If you’re a regular reader of my blog you’ll know that I recently went on a bit of
Rails vs Django vs Laravel: An analysis of web frameworks from a non-technical founder
I’ve been deep in the trenches of web development lately. I decided that if software is in my future
Building Your Personal Brand
What do most of the ultra successful entrepreneurs you know have in common? Some sort of seemingly unfair advantage that
Looking into Marketing Analytics
In my last post I talked about Learning to Code and what that might mean for my future. It’s
Learning to Code
Just a quick note, as much for accountability sake as anything. I’ve been looking hard at the market to
The Power of Systems (and why you probably don't have enough of them in your business)
Systems. Yikes. Sounds like the TPS reports and drudgery of the typical office job are just around the corner, right?
Beginnings in Software Development as a NonTechnical Founder
I’ve had a hankering for getting into some software for a long time now, much to the chagrin of
Notes from the Road - Europe Edition
Well it’s been a few months (terrible to say outloud) since I’ve written here, but trust me I
Sell Before You Build
There are an infinite number of ways to do things online. Platforms, tools, frameworks, methodologies, communities, all promise to make
Buying My First Website(s)!
Today is an exciting day. I just released escrow for to me what is a huge sum of money. I